Helping Leaders Thrive. Turning Ideas to Impact. Turning Talk to Action.



Executive Director | 2016-present
Missouri Science & Technology (MOST) Policy Initiative | Jefferson City, MO
-Founded policy fellowship program to improve evidence-based policy in Missouri
-Raised funds to support inaugural class of fellows and the Missouri Local Science Engagement Network
-Built relationships with state legislators to establish support from policy-makers
-Networked with stakeholders throughout state of Missouri to generate support for fellows program
-Managed public relations plan including social media, website, promotional materials, and editorials

Owner/Consultant, CPSS | 2019-present
Horizon Soil Solutions, LLC | Jefferson City, MO
-Provide soil and water management solutions founded in functional scientific concepts
-Assist clients in finding solutions that maximize yield and profits while supporting ecosystem services
-Serve clients on a project-basis in Missouri and surrounding states

Science-to-Action Fellow | 2017-2018
National Climate Adaptation Center, U.S. Geological Survey | Reston, VA
-Assisted in planning and participated in playa wetland field days throughout Great Plains
-Collected survey responses to evaluate perceptions on climate change and climate risks
-Developed outreach materials for playa wetland conservation in changing climate conditions
-Obtained science policy experience through work at U.S. Geological Survey headquarters in Reston, VA

Graduate Research Assistant (Ph.D.) | 2015-2019
School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri | Columbia, MO
Funding provided by National Science Foundation (EPSCoR)
-Conducted research on impact of climate change to wetland soil health
-Designed and executed controlled greenhouse and growth chamber experiments
-Collected, processed, and analyzed soil physical, biological, and chemical samples
-Analyzed experimental data using R statistical software including mixed-effects and multivariable models
-Prepared scientific manuscripts to be submitted to peer-reviewed journals

Graduate Research Assistant (M.S.) | 2013-2014
Department of Plant Science, South Dakota State University | Brookings, SD
Funding provided by NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant
Conducted research on spatial variability of salt-affected soils in eastern South Dakota
-Designed and executed gridded field sampling to capture spatial variability
-Collected and processed soil samples to measure salt characteristics
-Analyzed data using R statistical software for regression analysis and ArcGIS for spatial statistics
-Prepared scientific manuscripts to be submitted to peer-reviewed journals


University of Missouri, Columbia, MO               
Doctorate: May 2019
Major: Natural Resources – Wetland Ecology     
Certificates: Grant Writing, Public Policy
Dissertation: Effects of predicted climate change on playa wetland ecosystem function and ecological services

South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD                                    
Masters of Science: May 2015
Major: Plant Science – Soil Management           
Thesis: Spatial variability of saline and sodic soils in the black glaciated region of the northern Great Plains, USA          

Iowa State University, Ames, IA                                                          
Bachelors of Science: May 2013
Majors: Agronomy/Global Resource Systems                 
Minor: Economics


Lead Instructor, Soil Judging Team | 2017-2018
University of Missouri, School of Natural Resources
-Planned and led weekly judging practice activities in lab and field
-Traveled and coached team at regional and national competitions
-Fostered a positive, peer-to-peer learning environment

Science to Action Fellow  | 2017-2018
U.S. Geological Survey National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center
-Created outreach materials about playa wetlands and climate change
-Coordinated and presented at field days throughout the Great Plains
-Spent two months at USGS headquarters near Washington, D.C.

Guest Lecturer | Spring 2018
University of Missouri, School of Natural Resources
-Lectured on soil biogeochemical cycles in Introduction to Environmental Science course
-Actively engaged students in activities to enhance learning
-Took part in formal teaching evaluation by course instructor

Presenter/Coordinator, Extension Field Days | Summer 2014
South Dakota State University and North Dakota State University Extension
-Presented soil salinity and sodicity information in formal and informal settings
-Coordinated logistics (speakers, locations, publicity) for SD field days
-Contributed material for educational handouts about salt-affected soils

Guest Lecturer | Spring 2014
South Dakota State University, Department of Plant Science
-Lectured on soil orders and taxonomy for Introduction to Soil Science course
-Presented lecture on soil salinity and sodicity for Soil Genesis course

 Lab Instructor, Introduction to Soil Science | Spring 2014
South Dakota State University, Department of Plant Science
-Presented pre-made lectures each week to supplement lab activities
-Facilitated lab activities and demonstrations on various soil science concepts
-Evaluated weekly assignments, exams, and term papers
-Held regular office hours to assist students with course questions

 Assistant Coach, Soil Judging Team | 2013-2014
South Dakota State University, Department of Plant Science
-Assisted in weekly judging practice activities in lab and field
-Traveled and coached team at regional and national competitions
-Fostered a positive, peer-to-peer learning environment

Scientific Writing

Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts
Owen, R.K., E.B. Webb, D.A. Haukos, F.B. Fritschi, K.W. Goyne. 2020. Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crusgalli) emergence and growth in a changing climate in Great Plains wetlands. Wetlands Ecology and Management. DOI: 10.1007/s11273-019-09693-0.

Owen, R.K., E.B. Webb, K.W. Goyne, B. Svoma, S. Gautam. 2019. Using climate model data to design controlled experiments: Quantifying vegetative and soil responses to temperature and precipitation changes. Ecosphere 10(9), e02857. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.2857.

Birru, G.A., D.E. Clay, T.M. DeSutter, C.L. Reese, A.C. Kennedy, S.A. Clay, S.A. Bruggeman, R.K. Owen, D.D. Malo. 2019. Chemical amendments of dryland saline-sodic soils did not enhance productivity. Agronomy Journal. 111 (2): 1-13. DOI: 10.2134/agronj2018.04.0296.

Matthees, H.L., Y. He, R.K. Owen, D. Hopkins, B. Deutsch, J. Lee, D. Clay, C. Reese, D. Malo, and T. DeSutter. 2017. Predicting electrical conductivity of the saturated extract from a 1:1 soil to water ratio. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 48 (18): 2148-2154. DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2017.1407780.

Chintala, R., R.K. Owen, T.E. Schumacher, K.A. Spokas, L.M. McDonald, S. Kumar, D.E. Clay, D.D. Malo, and B. Bleakley. 2015. Denitrification kinetics on biomass and biochar amended soils on different landscape positions. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 22 (7): 5152-5163. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-3762-2.

Book Chapters
Carlson, C.G., D.E. Clay, D.D. Malo, C.L. Reese, R.K. Owen, T. Kharel, G. Birru, T. DeSutter. The management and identification of saline and sodic soils in the northern Great Plains. In Clay, D.E., C.G. Carlson, S.A. Clay, and E Byamukama (eds). iGrow Corn: Best Management Practices. South Dakota State University.

Trade Publications
Owen, R.K. 2017. Making meaningful connections with labmates and colleagues. CSA News 62(4): 35.

Bastos, L., M. Battaglia, and R.K. Owen. 2016. Ten steps to prepare first-time graduate students attending the Annual Meeting. CSA News 61(10): 36-37.

Daigh, A.L.M. and R.K. Owen. 2016. Students, post-docs, and early career members: Discover the right career. CSA News 61(10): 42-42.

Owen, R.K. and S. Vero. 2016. Grad students take on Minneapolis. CSA News 61(1): 32-33.

Owen, R.K. 2015. The graduate student experience in Long Beach. CSA News 60(1): 36-37.

Service and Outreach

-Conservation Day at the Capitol, Conservation Federation of Missouri (2017)

-Presented to Fulton, MO community members during Science on Wheels event (2017)

-Presented at field days across Great Plains (Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico) to landowners and managers about playa wetlands and climate change as part of NCASC Science-to-Action Fellowship (2017-2018)

-Coached the Mizzou Soil Judging team at a regional and national contest, also exposed students to career development opportunities (2017-2018)

-Presented on soil evaluation techniques to high school environmental science students at Columbia Independent School in Columbia, MO (2018)

-Virtually talked to three 6th grade science courses in Greensboro, NC about day-to-day life of a scientist and why I became a soil scientist through the program Skype with a Scientist (2018)

-Presented information on wetlands and climate change in MU Extension booth at Missouri State Fair as part of Science on Wheels programming (2018)

-Documented field tour and workshop in China to develop videos, blogs, and articles about international science and socio-ecological issues near the Gobi Desert while traveling with MU Interdisciplinary Plant Group (2018)


Non-Refereed Abstracts and Proceedings Associated with Presentations
Owen, RK
, J Li, EB Webb, KW Goyne. 2018. Playa ecosystem vulnerability in future climates: Stakeholder perceptions in the Great Plains. Salt Lake City, UT. 17-21 June 2018. 24th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (oral)

Owen, RK, EB Webb, KW Goyne. 2018. Playa ecosystem vulnerability in future climates: Taking science to stakeholders in the Great Plains. Denver, CO. 10-11 April 2018. Great Plains Grassland Summit. (poster)

Owen, RK, EB Webb, and KW Goyne. 2017. Playa ecosystem vulnerability in future climates: Taking science to stakeholders in the Great Plains. Manhattan, KS. 8-9 November 2017. Kansas Governor’s Water Conference. (poster)

Owen, RK, EB Webb, and KW Goyne. 2017. Predicting playa vulnerability to future climate conditions through a greenhouse experiment. San Juan, PR. 4-7 June 2017. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting. (oral)

Owen, RK, KW Goyne, and EB Webb. 2016. Playa wetlands: ecosystem functions and potential risks in a changing climate. Phoenix, AZ. 1-4 November 2016. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Meeting. (poster)

Owen, RK, DD Malo, CL Reese, DE Clay, T DeSutter. 2015. Developing spatial management zones for salt-affected soils in South Dakota using inherent soil properties and yield history. Long Beach, CA. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Meeting. (oral)

Owen, RK, DD Malo, CL Reese, DE Clay, T DeSutter. 2014. Spatial variability of saline and sodic soil characteristics. Minneapolis, MN. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Meeting. (oral) *2nd Place in Graduate Research Competition

Seminars and Presentations Without Published Abstracts
Owen, RK
, EB Webb, and KW Goyne, 2018. Playas in a changing climate. Lubbock, TX. 27 March 2018. Ogallala Commons & Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife Playa Field Day. (oral)

Owen, RK, EB Webb, and KW Goyne, 2018. Playa Wetland Vulnerability in Future Climates. Kearney, NE. 22-25 March 2018. Audubon Nebraska Crane Festival. (oral)

Owen, RK, EB Webb, and KW Goyne, 2018. Playas in a changing climate. Tulia, TX. 15 February 2018. Ogallala Commons & Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife Playa Field Day. (oral)

Owen, RK, EB Webb, and KW Goyne, 2017. Playas and Climate Change. Clovis, NM. 9-10 December 2017. New Mexico Environment Department 2nd Wetlands Across Borders Meeting. (oral)

Owen, RK, EB Webb, and KW Goyne. 2017. Using climate model output for ecological experiments: A Great Plains case study. St. Louis, MO. 20 September 2017. Missouri EPSCoR Site Visit. (invited poster)

Owen, RK, KW Goyne, and EB Webb. 2017. Using climate model output for ecological experiments: A Great Plains case study. St. Louis, MO. 15 August 2017. Missouri EPSCoR State Meeting. (poster)

Owen, RK, KW Goyne, and EB Webb. 2017. Using climate model output for ecological experiments: A Great Plains case study. Columbia, MO. 5 May 2017. University of Missouri School of Natural Resources Research Day. (poster) *Best student poster award

Owen, RK, EB Webb, and KW Goyne. 2017. How will playa plant communities respond to a changing climate? Inferences from a greenhouse experiment. Lincoln, NE. 2-4 February 2017. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. (invited oral)

Owen, RK, EB Webb, and KW Goyne. 2017. How will changes in future precipitation affect playa plants and soils in the Rainwater Basin? Grand Island, NE. 30 January 2017. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Information Session. (invited oral)

Owen, RK, KW Goyne, and EB Webb. 2016. Effects of predicted climate change on playa wetland ecosystem function and ecological services. Columbia, MO. 25 October 2016. Missouri EPSCoR Climate Team Webinar. (invited oral)

Owen, RK, DD Malo, CL Reese, DE Clay, T DeSutter. 2014. Managing and understanding saline and sodic soils. Sioux Falls, SD. 15 December 2014. South Dakota Association of Agronomists Agronomy Conference. (invited oral)

Owen, RK, DD Malo, CL Reese, DE Clay, T DeSutter. 2014. What’s your number? Understanding soil test results for saline soils. Wahpeton, ND. North Dakota State University Extension Field Day. (invited oral)

Owen, RK, DD Malo, CL Reese, DE Clay, T DeSutter. 2014.Soils and salt: The problem and scope. White Lake, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Field Day. (invited oral)

Owen, RK, DD Malo, CL Reese, DE Clay, T DeSutter. 2014. Redefining saline/sodic soil survey map units. Pierpont, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Field Day. (invited oral)

Owen, RK and CL Burras. 2012. CSR2 – Soil productivity rating for cropland in Iowa, USA. Kyiv, Ukraine. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences Soil Science Conference. (invited oral)

Professional Involvements

-Professional Memberships:
-Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City
-Conservation Federation of Missouri
-Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
-American Society of Agronomy (ASA)
-Jefferson City Chamber of Commerce, Young Professionals
-American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
-Climate Action KC Climate Action Plan Committee (2020-present)
-Climate Action KC Advisory Committee - Member (2020-present)
-SSSA K-12 Education Committee - Member (2019-present)
-SSSA Recognition and Retention Task Force – Member (2018-present)
-SSSA Science Policy Committee – Member (2018-present)

University of Missouri (MU), 2015-2019
-SSSA Communications Committee – Member (2018-2019)
-National Association of Grad. and Prof. Students – SC Legislative Director (2017-2018)
-MU Graduate Professional Council – Director of National Affairs (2017-2018)
-SSSA Board of Directors – Graduate Student Representative (2017-2019)
-SSSA 2019 Student and Early Career Task Force – Member (2017-2019)
-Alternative Career Exploration in the Sciences – Vice President (2017-2018)
-SSSA Graduate Student Committee – Member (2017 Chair, 2015-2018)
-ASA, CSSA, SSSA Graduate Student Committee – Member (2016 Chair, 2013-2018)
-MU Graduate Professional Council – State Affairs Committee (2016-2017)
-MU Graduate Student Association – Vice President (2016-2017)
-Alternative Career Exploration in the Sciences – Webmaster (2016-2017)

South Dakota State University, 2013-2014
-Spatial Statistics Seminar (PS 792) – Organizer/Coordinator (2014)
-Introduction to Soil Science (PS 213) – Lab Instructor (2014)
-Plant Science Graduate Student Association – President (2014)
-ASA-CSSA-SSSA National Meeting Planning Committee – Member (2014)
-ASA-CSSA-SSSA Graduate Student Committee – Member (2013-2014)
-SDSU Soil Judging Team – Assistant Coach (2013-2014)

Iowa State University, 2009-2013
-VEISHEA, Inc. – Entertainment Co-Chair (2012), General Co-Chair (2013)
-Alternative Breaks – Site Development Chair (2013)
-College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Honors Council – Member (2009-2013)
-College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Honors Program – Member (2009-2013)
-Iowa State Soil Judging Team – Member (2009-2013)
-Alpha Zeta Agricultural Honors Fraternity – Chancellor (2012), Treasurer (2011)
-Students of Agronomy, Soils, and Environmental Sciences – Vice President (2012)
-Iowa State Agronomy Club – Treasurer (2012)
-College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Student Council – Secretary (2011)
-10,000 Hours Show – Co-Executive Director (2011)

Honors and Achievements

-D.L. Hallett Outstanding Fisheries & Wildlife Graduate Student Award - 2019
-Gutermuth Award for Community Engagement, University of Missouri Graduate Studies - 2019
-Inductee, University of Missouri Rollins Honor Society - 2019
-Mizzou 18 Award, University of Missouri Alumni Association - 2019
-Natural Resources Outstanding Graduate Student, University of Missouri - 2017
-Trans World Airlines Scholarship, University of Missouri System - 2017
-C.E. Marshall Scholarship, MU School of Natural Resources – 2016
-Future Leaders in Science Award, ASA-CSSA-SSSA – 2016
-Borlaug Summer Institute Fellow, Center for Global Food Security – 2015
-Graduate Research Competition – 2nd Place, ASA-CSSA-SSSA – 2014
-Plant Science Dpt. Graduate Scholarship, South Dakota State University – 2014
-Certified Associate Soil Scientist, SSSA – 2013
-Golden Opportunity Scholarship, ASA-CSSA-SSSA – 2012
-Homecoming Queen, Iowa State University – 2012
-Outstanding Senior, Alpha Zeta – 2012
-Dean’s List, Iowa State University – 2010-2012  
-Holden Scholarship Recipient, Department of Agronomy – 2012
-Outstanding Junior, Alpha Zeta – 2011
-Outstanding Peer Mentor, Academic Success Center – 2011