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Soil Science

2019 National Collegiate Soil Judging Contest near San Luis Obispo, CA

2019 National Collegiate Soil Judging Contest near San Luis Obispo, CA

Digging soil cores for my PhD research near Lubbock, TX

Digging soil cores for my PhD research near Lubbock, TX

Redoximorphic features in a wetland soil

Redoximorphic features in a wetland soil

2018 NACTA Soil Judging Competition near Norfolk, NE

2018 NACTA Soil Judging Competition near Norfolk, NE

During our wedding pictures, we couldn’t help but dig our fingers in an exposed soil bed outside Cannon House Office Building in Washington, DC

During our wedding pictures, we couldn’t help but dig our fingers in an exposed soil bed outside Cannon House Office Building in Washington, DC

Collecting soil samples in Iowa (Photo Credit to my husband)

Collecting soil samples in Iowa (Photo Credit to my husband)

Playa wetland in Nebraska

Playa wetland in Nebraska

Spring 2020 backyard garden

Spring 2020 backyard garden

Early corn emerging in Spring 2020. Soil temperatures were around 58 degrees F.

Early corn emerging in Spring 2020. Soil temperatures were around 58 degrees F.