After co-founding and leading Missouri’s Science & Technology Policy Fellowship program, I have worked to share my experiences with other states interested in building similar programs. In this course, I will provide you with personalized, 1-on-1 coaching to help launch an S&T policy fellowship in your state.
Based on feedback from states who have launched fellowship programs, there are a few foundational components to develop prior to placing inaugural fellows.
Fellowship Program Structure (Watch the Webinar Recording)
Policymaker Support (Register for the Webinar - March 7th at 3pm EST)
Host Institution
In this course, we will explore each of these topics with state-level science & technology policy fellowship leaders and then develop materials to help your state build these foundational elements.
Intended Audience
This course is meant for states that are in the early exploratory and planning stages of launching a state-level science & technology policy fellowship. The price is set so that this course will be accessible to students and organizations who have not yet received outside funding for their fellowship program. For those with more financial resources, I am happy to help with additional work outside of this course (see below - ‘Additional Support’).
State Science & Technology Policy Fellowship Plan Coaching - $1,500
($1,000 for NSPN Members)
February to May 2022
Each month, we will focus on a key component needed to launch a state-level science and technology policy fellowship program. Monthly, participants will be asked to take part in four hours of coaching (1 hour/week).
Week 1: Webinar with experts for perspective (will be free and open to others outside the cohort)
Week 2: Group meeting to discuss homework and associated tasks
Week 3-4: Individual coaching meeting(s) (2 hours)
The two hours of individual coaching can be used to discuss any topic, but will be focused on the homework that month unless otherwise noted. I will review homework materials in advance/in addition to the two coaching hours. If you’d like to discuss the materials in our meetings, please send at least 24 hours in advance.
Monthly Topics
Topics may vary based on discovery calls with the cohort. For instance, if all organizations have already identified a host institution, we may focus on a different topic in month 4. For each assignment, I will provide a template from which to customize for your state.
Developing the Program Structure
Each state is unique and requires a unique fellowship structure in order to effectively connect scientists, engineers, and health professionals to policy opportunities. This month, we will talk with other founders of fellowship programs to discuss considerations for program structures that best fit various state needs. Group coaching will focus on ways to collect information and evaluate needs for your state. By the end of the month, you will be able to complete the following assignments.
Identify other similar fellows programs and talk with hosts
Write a landscape analysis about your state’s politics
Identify other science advisors and talk with them
Draft a proposal for the program structure
Building Policymaker Support
In order to build an effective state program, it’s important to have buy in from the policymakers with whom the fellows would work. Policymaker support may come from your governor, state agency leaders, and/or legislators. This month, we will talk with policymakers who have worked with policy fellows in other states to learn why they supported the program and what their state gains from hosting fellows. Group coaching will focus on elements of garnering and showcasing support from policymakers in your state. By the end of the month, you will be able to complete the following assignments.
Create a 1-pager and/or brief pitch deck
Schedule meetings at the Capitol, Find Exec Branch contacts
Talk with University Government Relations office, if applicable
Draft a sample letter of support for a fellows program
Fellowship programs cannot exist without funding to support fellows and administrative staff. Other states have relied on private foundations, state appropriations, and university support, depending upon available resources and fellowship program budget. This month, we will talk with donors, policymakers, and administrators who have supported fellowship programs in other states. Group coaching will focus on preparing materials to make requests for funding in your state. By the end of the month, you will be able to complete the following assignments.
Create a sample budget for your program
Identify potential donor types and specific donors
Develop a funding proposal, including “measures of success”
Identifying a Host Institution
For long-term success, fellowship programs must have a home or ‘host institution’. The host institution provides staff and administrative support for the fellows program and provides continuity for outside stakeholders. This month, we will talk with staff at organizations who host or have hosted fellowship programs in their state. Group coaching will focus on identifying a suitable host in your state. By the end of the month, you will be able to complete the following assignments.
Identify potential hosts and schedule meetings
Write a mission statement for the program that aligns with host and your ideas for the program
Create a sustainability plan that discusses how this program will be sustained and staffed
Course Takeaways
When you complete the course, you should have the following materials prepared or in progress for your state. If you haven’t been able to finish these materials before the course ends, I will be available to review at your convenience.
Fellowship Program Goals, Structure, and Budget
Landscape Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges in your State
Funding Proposal
Pitch Deck
Informational Flyer
Measures of Success/Evaluation Template
Sample Letter of Support
Sustainability Plan
Additional Support
Do you need additional support to move your state forward? I am happy to help with the assignments above or other tasks based on your budget and my availability. If you’d like me to help with any of the following, please contact me at any time during or after the cohort coaching period to discuss.
Initial drafts of any of the following, customized to your state:
Fellowship Program Goals, Structure, and Budget
Landscape Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges in your State
Funding Proposal
Pitch Deck
Informational Flyer
Measures of Success/Evaluation Template
Sample Letter of Support
Sustainability Plan
Travel to Your State
Present at stakeholder meetings
Assist in scheduling and leading meetings with policymakers
Conduct in-depth planning workshop
Brand Kit
Website Design
Social Media Set-up
Content Calendar
Elements of a Fellowship Program
Fellowship Application & Selection/Placement Process
Onboarding Materials
Fellowship Handbook
Professional Development Materials
Strategic Planning & Long-term Feasibility Analysis